This kid next to me

Me and this totally brodacious-dude are sitting next to one another and he wanted me to write about him. So I am going to tell you how our relationship became totally wonderful. We met in like middle school at some point, but we never really spoke. Then in high school, we had a class together, ASL (american sign language), and our friendship blossomed from there. It started out with me and him talking about really stupid things like: How babies are cute and how I was a fat baby or how we both watch too much anime for our own good. Every time we saw each other he would pet my head really gentle, like they do in anime. It is a bit weird now that I think about it, but when he does this it makes me feel important and appreciated. Then, we started asking the other how the other feels and I tell him my stupid problems that I have at the time. He listens to my issues with no complaint, just kindness. I really appreciate and love being in his company. He is an all around wonderful person and a fantastic friend that I hope to have for a long time. Thanks platypus for always being there.

One comment

  1. Rob Durham · September 3, 2015

    That kid next to you has really grown up over his 4 years here. It’s been neat to see.


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